Friday, March 30, 2012
Tango, promenade and leg wrap
Dance Conmigo offers private and group classes.
I just want to clarify that most of these steps are NOT suitable for a milonga. These steps are mostly to have fun and to work the coordination and connection with the partner.
In this class in particular we worked on Promenade walk. We did our promenade walk by keeping our shoulders toward our partner, but pivoting our hips. Eventually the leader places himself facing his partner by getting her out of her axis, creates a leg wrap. Finally, the leader syncopates and places himself once again in a way that he can continue his walking on the line of Dance.
Monday, March 26, 2012
Tango and Blues, a beautiful marriage
Tango demo by Nick and Tara at the end of class at the Denver Blues Summit 2008
To learn Tango in Montreal Canada, Dance Conmigo offers private and group classes. In addition, Dance Conmigo organizes a party the first Saturday of the month with three dance floors, one of witch is for Argentine Tango. The next party will be April 7th 2012.
dance conmigo,
Sunday, March 25, 2012
Sebastian Achaval y Roxana Suarez - Color cielo
Tango "Color cielo" performed by Sebastian Achaval and Roxana Suarez
Rome 2010/07
To learn Tango in Montreal Canada, Dance Conmigo offers private and group classes. In addition, Dance Conmigo organizes a party the first Saturday of the month with three dance floors, one of witch is for Argentine Tango. The next party will be April 7th 2012.
Join us.
Friday, March 23, 2012
Back Volcadas
Dance Conmigo offers private and group classes.
I use Back Volcadas as a decorative step or as a complement to some other move.
The way I do it is by doing my regular 1 & 2 of the basic. On 3, I step outside partner and after transferring my weight on the right foot, I guide a small but dry and firm "J" movements with my torso.
If my partners' right leg is loose enough to be guided, her leg would do a small (or big, depending on the energy given) circular movement that would culminate by hooking behind her left foot. At the end of the circular movement and the hooking behind, she will transfer her weight to her right foot.
The leader would rotate her shoulder to help her liberate her left foot and he will guide her out by doing a regular 3,4,5 or by guiding many other back volcada.
To see our class calendar go here:
Sunday, March 18, 2012
Testimonial from Rogerio, a tanguero native from Brazil
"Amazing... I started to go to practicas (slowly... from time-to-time) one year ago (March 2011) on Sundays afternoons. I had to say that I was pretty scared... and pretty clumsy :).
Tango is tough for beginners... mainly for guys... if you are a guy... you are really in the "bottom of the food chain" in Tango :)
It takes a lot of guts...
But now... in spite of the fact that I know that there is still a steep learning curve ahead of me... I am not intimidated anymore. It is something natural for me to go and ask a lady to dance Tango with me. I hope you understand how (good) it feels.
Even yesterday... where basically all the dancers had high level (really impressive)... I knew that I was probably the "least experienced tanguero" on the dance floor, however, I did know that I was "good enough" to dance with the ladies over there."
Every student/dancer has a learning process which could be long and tedious, but the satisfaction of achieving the desire result (to have fun dancing) is inmense.
For those of you who do not have instant results right away, do not give up, keep on trying... do not feel bad repeating the same level once or twice, as long as the learning process is fun, then there is no rush. Many professional dancers practice their basic movements over and over again. There is always much more to learn, but lets make sure that we feel confortable with what we know before moving to the next stage.
And never stop dancing!
Friday, March 16, 2012
Tango, fish tail, Simple flashy sacada, Nice body rotation #4
Dance Conmigo offers private and group classes.
In this class we did some variation from the previous week. Specifically, I like to always show two versions of the same movements, one version for the milonga and one version for a performance.
During the last few classes I have been focusing almost exclusively on body rotations. I have encounter unexpected challenges as I am trying to explain the body feeling to the students. So far I am giving myself an 80% success rate. on my 20% failure, I am attributing it to not explaining things in a way that would be understood by a particular student, or the student not being experienced enough to to guide the move properly.
On the other hand, some time I practice learning a move for hour before explaining it. I think that it is only normal if the student do not get it perfectly withing the 55 minutes of one class.
I would truly appreciate any feed back.
Friday, March 9, 2012
Body Rotations # 3 (Dance Conmigo)
Dance Conmigo offers private and group classes.
This is the third video of a the same subject of body rotations.
Our main objective is to always have fluid movements. Take the energy of our partner, use it and give it back. The movements should not be sharp and snappy, rather the should be fluid and continuous. We are always leveraging our weight with the weight of our partner.
Alain Guillot,
Cheryl Williams,
dance conmigo,
Tango classes,
Sunday, March 4, 2012
Tango Demo at Dance Conmigo party March 2012
Dance Conmigo offers private and group classes.
This was a monthly party organized by Dance Conmigo. In this party in particular, there was and Argentine Tango class, followed by general dancing in three different dance floors (salsa, Tango & ballroom).
Some time during the party, Alain and Cheryl danced an Argentine tango "Comme il faut" by Carlos di Sarli.
Friday, March 2, 2012
Tango Rotations #2 (Dance Conmigo)
Alain Guillot,
Cheryl Williams,
dance conmigo,
Tango classes,
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